Kanuda Buying Guide

Traction pillow? Orthopedic pillow? Which type of Kanuda is fit to me?

What is the difference between traction pillow and orthopedic pillow?

Traction pillow Traction pillow
Able to tract Unable to tract
Suitable for those who use pillow lower Suitable for those who use pillow higher
Those who don’t turn or toss much Those who turn or toss much
Straight neck, neck disc Straight neck, turtle neck
(For those who have serious turtle neck, traction pillow is too low and uncomfortable.)
Effective for snoring and sleep apnea -

What are the common points between Traction pillow and Traction pillow?

Both orthopedic pillow and traction pillow support the upper cervical and induces C-shaped curve biomechanically. It keeps the shapes of CST of the frequency treatment and provides with correct posture correction, and optimized sleeping environment. Orthopedic pillow is effective to use if you turn and toss a lot, use pillows at higher location, or have a turtle neck. After 1 to 2-year adaption, try to change into traction pillow. In summary, as the saying ‘Gochimdanmyeong’ tells us, it is better to use pillow lower.

Can you correct the straight neck?

Due to bad posture and stresses, the lower larynx gets still and shortened, causing straight neck and turtle neck. If such phenomenon lasts long, reverse C-shape curve occur.
Kanuda stimulates Deep fascia in the lower larynx directly to release the symptoms and maintain normal neck movement and correct posture, which is excellent effect of it. The effective period is different from people to people, however, constant use of it for one to two years will make normal neck curve.

Isn’t it desirable to sleep on Kanuda Nap?

Kanuda Nap is a product designed to be used to take a break for a while, not a pillow for sleeping. If you fall asleep with Kanuda, you can turn and toss early at dawn and feel uncomfortable when you change your posture in the morning, it is hard to fall into a deep sleep.
There is no side effect but try to use it during rest since it is not for sleeping. In particular, it is most effective when used after lunch.

All sizes of people’s heads, necks, etc. are different. However, why only one size?

Kanuda products have been developed fit to Korean physical shapes of new born babies, infants, and preschoolers excluding adults with very thick necks and heads.
Based on Korean physical body shapes, in order to produce products for everyone, the products have been tested targeting patients and reached current state.
Targeting about 380 patients who get physiotherapy, tests were done. They were commercialized with the size which about 88% of public became satisfied.
In general, most occipital bone neck lines are similar. Unless you are in weight less than 40kg or more than 100kg, it matches occipital bone neck lines of most users.

What is the difference between a normal pillow and Kanuda Nap?

General pillow is half-moon shape with less ergonomic considerations. It can’t stimulate or relax the body's core areas.
Thus, external muscle may be relaxed. However, deep muscle of the upper cervical spine is difficult to be relaxed. However, Kanuda Nap stimulates the most required the upper cervical and occipital bone to help restore the balance of the autonomic nervous system. It affects posture corrections such as turtle neck, curved back, etc. In addition, through selective stimulus of OCBR, it opens the passage for the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid flow. In the second step, CV4 execution induces the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid flow. Also, it helps improving the immune system. Kanuda Nap can pressure the larynx lower in his head not by the artificial forces but only by one’s own head weight to maintain traction power.